This time I investigated the NSW newspapers as George made regular trips to Sydney. He appears to have made many visits to Port Jackson until 1820. There are also references in the newspapers to a George Guest of Pitt Street, Sydney which is possibly our George as the entry for 3 August 1816 shows.
From a Mr George Guest, a few days since arrived from the Derwent, we learn the following particulars relative to that Settlement, which may appear interesting. The ground under cultivation Mr. Guest considers to be about 1500 acres. The crop of wheat of the present year's growth he considers will scarcely average eight bushels to the acre, owing to the seed, which was mostly sent from hence, having been of a very indifferent quality. Sixteen acres of Mr. Guest's own growth, he scarcely imagines will produce three bushels to the acre.
Claims and Demands
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 11 March 1815
For Hobart Town.
G. Guest Edward Kimberly Robert Nash Hannah Kimberly Cham and Edmonds John Gibson Anthony Chandler William Maum.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 30 July 1809
The flock of horned cattle is in very good condition, and the prices of articles are much similar to those with us; fresh beef, mutton and pork being 1s. 6d. per lb.; potatoes 2d. per do; fowls dear, being from 5 to 6s. each; tea 8 to 12s. per lb.; sugar 10d. per do; spirits 15 to 16s. per bottle; and the store price of wheat 21s. per bushel before the Union arrived.
The different settlements of agriculture are New Norfolk, 25 miles from Hobart Town, on the banks of a fine fresh water river, navigable at high water to a vessel of the Lady Nelson's burthen; the next we notice will be Herdsman's Cove, about mid- way between Hobart and the above; — This has only been settled a few months since by settlers from Norfolk Island, who have not yet been able to plant any thing but potatoes; — the river gets brackish at high water. The next is Kangaroo Point about two miles from the town but on the opposite side the river, well watered by a very fine run; and about a mile more distant from Hobart is New Town, which was the first settlement made. Ralph's Bay is about eight miles from Hobart, and also on the opposite shore of the river. Here from 130 to 200 acres are in cultivation by the Norfolk settlers; about 200 of whom have at different times been removed thither with their families, amounting to 1100 persons more or less. The land near the town is considered some of the best yet cultivated, and is mostly laid out in gardens, which produce vegetables in tolerable abundance.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 21 January 1810
The Public are hereby cautioned against Trespassing either by Stock or otherwise, in any manner whatever on the Farms of Mr. Thomas Moore, called or known by the name of Dowins' Farm, and Boyle's Meadow, situate in the District of Bullanaming, -as the said Farms are now my own Property. I do therefore publicly prohibit all Persons grazing stock or cutting any timber thereon, on pain of the most rigid Prosecution.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 3 March 1810
Claims and Demands
THE following Persons being about to depart the Colony, all those who have any Claims against them are requested to present the same for Payment to themselves immediately;
In the Aurora
Mr. S. R; Chase, Mr. H .Gyzler, Gen. Knox, Patrick Fitzgerald, Jas.Waíden ; Jas. Clark, Jas. Neuth,;Wm. Stafford, John O'Neal, Geo. Guest, John Macanelg, William Foster.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 2 February 1811
ALL Claims or Demands against Mr. George Guest, are to be presented to him forthwith, as he intends shortly to leave the Colony; and all Persons indebted to the said George Guest, are in like manner desired to pay their respective Debts without any delay, in order to prevent coercive measures being taken to enforce payment.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 9 March 1811
STOLEN from the Dwelling House of Mr. George Guest, No 27, Pitt-street between the hours of 7 and 8 on Sunday evening, the 16th Instant, the following articles ; viz.
One black silk cloak, three pair of ladies' cotton stockings, women's wearing apparel, a double milled drab coloured great coat, a new superfine black bodied ditto, a blue ditto, a new superfine velvet coloured jacket, 6 pair of pantaloons of different colours, linen and white cotton shirts some marked G.G. in the gusset by the tail, a checque shirt, 12 or 14 waistcoats, 10 pair of large steel scissars, a silver table spoon, a plated ditto and punch ladle, a gown partly made, a piece of petticoat stuff, hose of different descriptions, muslins, a large damask table cloth, a Spanish shawl with gilted flowers, neck and pocket handkerchiefs of different sorts, tape, thread, &c. the whole of which were inclosed in a trunk.
Any Person or Persons who will give Information of the Offenders, so that they may be prosecuted to Conviction, will receive the above Reward.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 22 June 1811
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 29 June 1811
ALL Persons having Claims or Demands on Mr. George Guest, are requested to present the same to him for immediate Payment, at his House No. 71, Pitt-street, he being in an ill state of health, and wishes to settle his family Concerns without delay; and all Persons indebted to him are requested to settle their Accounts immediately, to prevent coercive measures being resorted to.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 18 July 1812
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 29 June 1811
ALL Persons having Claims or Demands on Mr. George Guest, are requested to present the same to him for immediate Payment, at his House No. 71, Pitt-street, he being in an ill state of health, and wishes to settle his family Concerns without delay; and all Persons indebted to him are requested to settle their Accounts immediately, to prevent coercive measures being resorted to.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 18 July 1812
Whereas Mr G. Guest has neglected to make good certain Damage on my Farm at the Retreat, George's River (occasioned by his leaving the Premises without any Person to look after the same); and has also neglected paying me Rent due for the same, though
repeatedly requester so to do; this is to give Notice, that I shall
order a Bull of his in my possession at the Derwent to be sold, to make good the same, unless he shall immediately supersede the necessity thereof by coming to a Settlement on the foregoing Account. J. TOWNSON
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 5 December 1812
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 12 December 1812
(By Virtue of Execution).
On the Premises, on Saturday the 20th Instant, at 11 o'Clock precisely,
THE Provost Marshal will Cause to be set up for Sale by Public Auction, a capital Weather boarded House, situate No. 10, Cambridge-street, the Property of William Jenkisson. -Same day, at 12, a neat and substantial stone dwelling house, in Cam- bridge-street, the property of E. Lamb. -Same day, at 1, a capital weather-boarded House, in Pitt-street, the property of G. Guest unless the Execution thereon be previously superseded).
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 19 December 1812
CAUTION. ALL Persons are hereby cautioned against receiving in Payment
or otherwise, a Promissory Note, purporting to be drawn by me, and
signed by my Mark, and witnessed by Barnabas Rix, and the Mark of James
Hawkins, in favor of George Guest
or Bearer, dated Nov. 16, 1812, for Ten Pounds Sterling, it having
been intimated to me, that five of such Notes of the same Tenor and Date
are in Circulation, signed as aforesaid, all drawn without my Consent
or Knowledge, or Value received for any one of the said Notes, as I
always write my Name in full to any Writing or Instrument that is legally executed in my Name or on my Account. THOMAS RICKERBY
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 20 March 1813
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 20 March 1813
(By Virtue of Execution),
At the Public Market Place, Sydney, on Friday next, the 28th Instant, at Eleven in the Forenoon,
THE Provost Marshal will cause to be Set up for Sale by Public Auction, a young Mare, and an excellent Horse, fit for saddle or draught.
And at Twelve the same Day, on the Premises, a neat and commodious Dwelling House, eligibly situate in Pitt- street, the whole the Property of Mr. George Guest (unless the Execution thereupon be previously superseded).
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 22 May1813
SALES BY AUCTION. (By Virtue of Execution),
on Saturday next, the 5th of June, ...
SAME DAY At Windsor, on the Premises of George Guest, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE PROVOST MARSHAL will Cause to be set up for
Sale by Public Auction, a Capital Mare, and a Chaise Harness, the
property of the said George Guest (unless the Execution thereupon be previously superseded).
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 29 May1813
Mr.G Guest intending shortly to leave the Colony, requests all legal Claims against him be presented for Payment; and all those who stand indebted to him are requested to come forward and settle their Account without Delay.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 16 October 1813
POST OFFICE. --The following Letters arrived by the Alligator, are ready for Delivery :-
Mr G Guest
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 23 July 1814
MR. G. GUEST intending to leave the Colony by the earliest conveyance for the Settlements at Van Diemen's Land, requests all Claims may be presented to him for immediate settlement; and all those persons who stand indebted to him are in like manner requested to come forward and settle their respective Accounts previous to the opening of the Courts of Civil Jurisdiction; otherwise legal measures will be resorted to for the recovery thereof, by his Attorney, duly authorised to sue for the same.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 4 March 1815 The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 11 March 1815
POST OFFICE.- The following LETTERS, arrived per the Eliza and Cochin, are lying at this Office, and will be delivered when called for; viz
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 20 May 1815
To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, that well known Farm (known by the Name of GUEST's FARM), situate at Risdon, nearly four miles from Hobart Town, lately in the occupation of Col. GEILS: there is in the whole 300 Acres, 40 of which are clear, & fit for ploughing, free from stumps; with a commodious storehouse, containing four rooms, outhouses, etc. and is fit for the reception of a genteel family.-A good Title can be given.-Apply to the Proprietor, Mr. G. Guest, No. 3, Pitt-street; who requests all Claims against him may be presented; and those indebted lo him are requested to settle the same, he being about to leave the Colony.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 3 August 1816
GEORGE GUEST Junior, intending to leave the Colony in the Kangaroo, requests all Claims may he immediately presented.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 14 December 1816
GEORGE GUEST proceeding to the Derwent shortly, requests all Claims against him may be presented forthwith.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 15 March 1817
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 22 March 1817
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 22 March 1817
Mr George Guest proceeding to Hobart Town by an early opportunity, requests Claims may be speedily presented for payment.-Also, his Son, William Guest.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 29 November 1817
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 6 December 1817
Mr GEORGE GUEST intending to leave the Colony by an early opportunity, requests Claims to be presented.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 18 April 1818
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 25 April 1818
MR. GEORGE GUEST leaving the Colony by an early opportunity, request Claims (if any) be immediately presented.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 26 December 1818
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 2 January1819
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 26 August 1820
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 23 September 1820
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 18 April 1818
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 25 April 1818
MR. GEORGE GUEST leaving the Colony by an early opportunity, request Claims (if any) be immediately presented.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 26 December 1818
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 2 January1819
Surveyor General's Office,
Sydney, 25th August, 1820
Notice is hereby given, that Grants and Leases to the undermentioned persons, will be ready for delivery at this office, on Monday, September 4; and persons who do not apply for their grants within one month from that date, will be considered as having relinquished all claim to the land measured to them; the grants will consequently be cancelled and allotted to such persons having orders for land, as may make applications for the same. ...
George GuestThe Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 26 August 1820
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 23 September 1820
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