Tuesday, 31 January 2012

First Land Sales - Melbourne June 1937

Sydney Herald Thursday 22 June 1837 p2
Port Phillip-The allotments of land which wera sold at Port Phillip, on the 1st instant, fetched good prices. Some of the allotments at Melbourne, went as high as £90 each. There were only one hundred allotments sold, which realised upwaids of £3,800. We were unable to procure the details of tho sale in time for our present number, but shall probably do so by our next.

Cornwall Chronicle Saturday17 June 1837
From a letter, dated 1st instant, received from a respectable correspondent at Melbourne, Port Phil lip, we are enabled to lay before our readers the particulars of the Sale of Allotments, sold on that day by order of Sir Richard Bourke. Our corres pondent states, that 22 of the best allotments were
purchased by non residents from Sydney, and that some scores of industrious settlers were unable to purchase, and are, moreover, obliged to pull down such houses as they have rected in one month after the day of sale. The 100½ acre allot ments realized £3,517 sterling. ALLOTMENTS Sold in the Township of Melbourne, Port Phillip, Thursday 1st June, 1837, Deposit £10 percent., remainder payable 1st. July, other wise re-sold. Premises amounting to £50, to be built in 12 months, and all payments in British Sterling, or Sydney Notes. V. D. L. notes not received.
BLOCK NO. 2                BLOCK NO. 12 
1. J. P. Fawkner £32        17. Jos. Moore £20
2. Ditto 25                       18. John Roach 28
3. Mr. Moss 27                19. Ditto 28
4. H. Howey 27               20. John Gardner 22
5. Jos Sutherland 25.       BLOCK NO. 13.
6. L. McAllister 26         1. E. W. Umphelty 61
7. Jas. Simpson 29          2. Thomas Coombes 28
8. Jno. Batman 75           3. A. Willis 28  
9 Fras. Nodin 35             4 H. McLean 30
10 Ditto - 40                    5 John Piers 23
11 Henry Batman 65       6 Thomas Fleming 28
12 James Smith 33         7 Thomas Brown 28
13 Ditto 40                      8 Ditto 41
1 4 George Fisher           9 John Highett 42  
 I5 — Craig 33              10 Henry Hoddle 24
16 Wilson & Eyre 26    11 Ditto 30
17 Ditto 31                    12 John Hughes 21
18 J. H. Wedge 50         13 H. Cooper 20
I9 - Brown 41                14 William Evans 21
20 J. H. Wedge 42         15 David Guillan 28
BLOCK NO. 4.             16 Thomas Walker 23  
 l Horatio Cooper 40      17 James Smith 26
2 Michael Carr 34         18 Thomas Brown 40  
3 John Mills 35             19 Ditto 41  
4 James Simpson 29      20 - Vaughan 46
5 Thomas Field 32         BLOCK NO. 14.
6 L McAllister ' 35         1- Wilson & Eyre 95
7 Ditto 35                        2 George Smith 40
8 .Dr. Thompson 46       3 George Robson 43  
9 L. McAllister 35          4 George Lilley 42  
10 George Coulstock 31 5 - Ebdcen 41    
11 -Ditto 40                    6 Ditto 45      
12 Joseph Hewson 22    7 Ditto 50    
 13 John Piers . 20         8 Bowermann 87  
14 Thomas Napier 20    9 James Connell 69  
15 William Sharp 21     10 T. D. Weatherly 55  
16 Michael Pender 19    11 Gco. Mercer 70
17 John Batman 23        12Henry Smith 35
18 B Willis 42                13 Wm Hutton 36
19 R Russell 30              14 Thos. Walker 36
20 M. Carr 48                 15 Ditto 39
BLOCK. NO. 12.           16 J. P. Fawkner 40  
1 James Ross 32             17 Thos. Walker 41
2 Henry Batman 18        18 Charles Wedge 67
3 Gilbert Marshall 18     19 Fras. Nodin 50
4 - Synnott 19                 20 Geo. F. Reid 56
5 Geo. Scarborough 18
6 Henry Howey 30        WILLIAMS TOWN  
7 Ditto 29 7                      Allotments sold.
8 Ditto 45          
9 John.Wood 26 ,             BLOCK NO. 3.
10 Charles Swanston 30  3 H McLean £50
11 Dr Cotter 30                4 - Webb 40
12 Henry Allan :22          5 J. Mc'Namara 45
13 James Hill 20              6 Wm. Hutton 45
14 James McDonald 20  7 James Simpson 47  
15 - Darke18                    8- F. Nodin 59  
16-J H Lancey20              9 John Hyland 42

..All the biddings were by pounds, and often £5 and £10; the first landholders of Port Phillip des pining the paltry method of bidding by shillings and crowns. . . Such ore the particuiars of our first Land Sale; the Auctioneer was Mr Hoddle, Surveyor Gene ral, fro m Sydney. The biddings were brisk, and soon knocked down. I presume more will be offered here soon, in hopes of a good price. Had 850 been put up, all would have been sold

Monday, 30 January 2012

James Hutton 1818-1893

James Hutton was born in Calcutta, India, on 10 June 1818, the third son of merchant Thomas Hutton (1772 - 1856) and Janet Robertson (1881 - 1862).
His sisters and brothers were -
James was a journalist and author both in India and in England. An obituary for James Hutton was published in an issue of St James Gazette dated 27 March 1893:
All who were personally acquainted with him, and many who knew him only in his writings , will regret to hear of the death of Mr James Hutton, who was, perhaps better known in India than even in England as one of the most active and one of the most able journalists of his time. He was the author, moreover, of several interesting and valuable books, including "England One Hundred Years Ago" ("England One Hundred and Thirty Years Ago" it might now be called), and a study of the Russian position in Central Asia, entitles, "The Aryan and the Cossack". Mr Hutton began life in the Indian army, which he quitted to take the editorship of an important Indian newspaper. Returning to England, he was associated with Mr G H Lewes, Mr Thornton Hunt, and Mr E F Piggott in the direction of the Leader newspaper, of which he was one time editor.
Mr Hutton was destined, however, like so many Liberals of those days, to become eventually a Conservative. He started some twenty-five years ago a morning paper called the Day, which represents the views of a particular section of the Conservative party, but failed, though conducted with great ability, to obtain their active support. After the non-success of the Day Mr Hutton went back to India for a time. He was, indeed, connected throughout his life with Indian journalism, now as editor, now as London correspondent. Dying at the age of seventy-five, after a severe illness extending over many years, he continued writing for the Madras Mail and other Indian papers, almost to the very last. Among the mourners at his funeral, which took place on Saturday at the Hammersmith Cemetery, were Colonel Smith, Colonel Marvin, Major Fenwick, Mr Treherne and Mr Sutherland Edwards.
In 1836 at the age of 18 James applied for a cadetship in East India Company armies. As indicated in the above obituary his career in the army was short as he left to become a journalist. He was editor of Allen's Indian Mail before returning to England to work on the Leader newspaper. In London in1867 he created and worked on the Day newspaper which lasted less than two and a half months. He then returned to India for a short time and back in England continued writing for Indian newspapers.

The 1861 England Census lists his occupation as editor of Allen's Indian Mail. It also states that he was a widower though no record has so far been located of this marriage. In the 1871 England and subsequent censuses his wife is listed as being Eliza Dearie Hutton born in Calcutta in 1836. They were therefore married between 1861 and 1871 but no record of the marriage has been located as yet.

The four censuses that record details of James Hutton list his address as:
  • 1861 - 13 Bloomsbury Square, Bloomsbury (lodger)
  • 1871 - 14 Aldridge Road Villas, Paddington
  • 1881 - 27 Leamington Road Villas, Paddington
  • 1891 - 1 Beauclerc Road, Hammersmith
Some of these buildings can be viewed via Google Maps.

Six books written by James Hutton, one book edited by him and another title that he translated have been located in libraries, chiefly the British Library but also four titles in the National Library of Australia.
  • 1857 - A hundred years ago: an historical sketch 1755-1756
  • 1857 - A popular account of the thugs and dacoits, the hereditary garotters and gang robbers of India
  • 1863 - The horses of the Sahara and the manners of the desert by E Daumas (translated by James Hutton)
  • 1871 - A Royal Commission for India
  • 1874 - Missionary life in the South Seas
  • 1875 - Central Asia: from the Aryan to the Cossack
  • 1882 - James and Philip van Arteveld. Two episodes in the history of the fourteenth century
  • 1885 - Selections from the letters and correspondence of Sir James Bland Burgess, Bart, sometime under secretary of state for foreign affairs (edited by James Hutton)
James Hutton died on 21 March 1893 at Hamersmith in England. He was buried at Hammersmith Cemetery four days later. He was survived by his wife, Eliza Dearie Hutton, who died in 1915.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Charles Hutton (senior) - Notes

Victoria before 1848 - http://www.reocities.com/vic1847/h/h36.html
Charles Hutton, subscribed 5/-/- to the Testomonial to be presented to Captain Lonsdale, raising a total of 325 pounds 17s from 76 men. Source - Port Phillip Herald 31 Jan 1840
Charles Hutton, appointed a Trustee of the Savings Bank of Port Phillip. Source - Port Phillip Herald, 2 Nov 1841
Charles Hutton, Port Phillip Herald 22 Apr 1842 Page 1 advertisement - pleased Queen had a son
Charles Hutton, male wed Margaret Smith 1842 #4609 Church Of England St James, Melbourne
Charles Hutton, dwelling house, Merri Merri Creek The Port Phillip Herald Fri, 26 May 1843 District of Port Phillip Electoral List of 291 names voted in election 20 June 1843, during first hour, 9-10am
Charles Hutton, The Port Phillip Herald Fri 4 Aug 1843 Jury to hear case of murder of aboriginals
Charles Hutton, voted 1-2pm Melbourne to elect two members to sit in Legislative Council. Source - Port Phillip Herald 26 Apr 1844
Charles Hutton, jury for Tue 15 April - Supreme Court - source Port Phillip Herald 17 Apr 1845
Charles Hutton, from PW Welsh and G Coulstock, Archibald McLachlan as Trustee has the Title Deeds for collection. Source - Melbourne Courier 25 July 1845
Charles Hutton, sworn in as a Magistrate for the Teritory. Source - Port Phillip Herald 31 Jul 1845
Charles Hutton, one of 469 voters who qualified by Dwelling house in Merri Merri Creek Electors List District of Bourke. Source - Melbourne Courier 8 Aug 1845
Charles Hutton, of Merri Creek sworn in as Magistrate of the territory. Source - Melbourne Courier 1 Aug 1845
Charles Hutton and Margaret Smith baptised Elenora 1843, Mary 1846
Charles Hutton To Depasture Stock.Portland Bay, Page 67 31 Jan 1847
Charles Hutton Savings' Bank Trustees; Owned Property Merri Merri Creek - Freehold Property

Articles from Trove - http://trove.nla.gov.au
Sydney Herald Wednesday 17 November 1841 p2
PORT PHILLIP SAVINGS' BANK-The under- mentioned gentlemen have been appointed by His Honor the Superintendent, Vice President and Trustees of the Savings' Bank of Port Phillip -James Simpson Esq , Vice President, Ihomas Wills Esq , George Ward Cole Esq , Skene Craig Esq James David Lyon Campbell, Esq , James Graham, Esq , Charles Hutton Esq , Jones Agnew Smith, Esq Robert Martin, Esq, Rev Adam Camp on Thomson, Rev James Forbes, Rev Patrick Bonaventura Geoghegnn.

Southern Australian Tuesday 18 April 1843 p3
 It was resolved at a specal meeting of the Trustees, held on 31st January, 1843, his Honor the Superintendent being present and approving of the same, that out of the surplus balance in favor of the Bank, in addition to the 5 per cent, already placed at the credit of the depositors, 2½ per cent, should be added to' the accounts, making the interest on deposits in the Bank, on 31st December, 1842,- at the rate of 7½ per cent, per annum, with the exception of the amount at the credit of the Intestate Estates, on which the Trustees consider 5 per cent, is sufficient. The sum of £111 11s 3d having been set apart towards the establishment of a Rest or Security Fund, in conformity with the Act of the Governor and Council, 5 Victoria, No. 5, it was resolved that the remainder be reserved to' pay current expenses: (Signed-James Smith, Accountant ; Approved, C. J. La Trobe, President; James Simpson, vice-President; Jones A. Smith; Charles Hutton; Robert Martin; George W. Cole;.A.C Thomson; James Graham.-Government Gazette. . . .

Launceston Examiner 26 July 1843 p2
PURSUANT to the proviso for that purpose contained in a certain indenture bearing date the sixteenth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine,and made between George Hobler, formerly of Killafaddy, near Launceston, in Van Diemen's Land, but then of' Maitland in New South Wales, Esquire, of the first part, Williami Effing ham Lawrence, late of Launceston afore said, Esquire, deceased, of the second part, Alexander Dunlop, of Priory Lodge, Largs, in the county of Ayr, in the kingdom of' Scotland, Esquire, of the third part, James Dunlop, of Priory Lodge aforesaid, Esquire, of the fourth part, and Charles Swanston, of New Town, in Van Diemen's Land, Esquire, Thomas Learmonth, of Hobart Town, in Van Dietmen's Land, Esquire, and Charles Hutton, of Port Phillip, Esquire, of the fifth part, notice is hereby given, that default having been made in the pay ment of the interest secured by the said in denture, which became due on the twenty eighth day of February last past, it is the intention of the mortgagees under the said indenture to SELL by PUBLIC AUC TION the LAND and hereditaments thereby conveyed and hereinafter described, and that such sale will be effected by MR. JOHN CHRISTOPHER UNDERWOOD, of Launceston, auctioneer, at his sale-rooms in Charles-street, Launceston, on TUES DAY, the-thirty-first day of October next, at one o'clock in the afternoon; and the land thus to be sold is described in the said indenture as follows-All that tract or par cel of Land containing by admeasurement: six hundred acres, be the same more or less, situate and being in the county of Dorset, in Van Diemen's Land aforesaid, and called or known by the name of Killa faddy, and bounded on the south east by a straight line of eighty three chains and ninety links or thereabouts commencing at the North Esk River and extending along land located to Robert Wales to a stake at a small rivulet which runs into the Distil lery Creek, thence by that rivulet to its junction with the said Distillery Creek, and thence by the said Distillery Creek to its junction with the North Esk River, and thence by that river to the said land located to Robert Wales, and which said land was formerly described as all those six hundred acres of land lying and situate in the district of Port Dalrymple, Van Diemen's Land, bounded on south east side by a north-east line of eighty-three chains ninety links, on the north-east side by a north-west line of six chains eighty-five links to a small run of water at a bend of it, and thence by that run on the remaining north-east and north west sides, dividing it from Edwards' farm, to the North Esk River, which river is the boundary on the south-west and south-east sides. The terms of payment will be as follows : Four thousand pounds payable in five years, and bearing eight and a half per cent. in terest; ten per cent. of the residue to be paid in cash; and the balance by approved bills at six and twelve months, with, bank interest added. Dated this eighteenth day of July, 1843. ROBERT PITCAIRN,
Attorney for the Mortgagees.
[This was advertised again in The Courier 13 September 1848]

Sydney Morning Herald 21 May 1845 p3
DISTRICT COUNCILS.—His Excellency the Governor has directed it to be notified, that letters have been received from the respective Wardens, certifying the return of the follow- ing gentlemen to serve as members of the District Councils, specified in connexion with their respective names, viz. : — Liverpool: Messrs. Samuel Deane Gordon and David Johnston. Maitland : Messrs. Andrew Lang and John Wilkinson. Paterson : Messrs. Walter Scott, senior, and Arthur Edwin Way. Illawarra : Messrs David Berry and Kenneth McKenzie. Queanbeyan : Messrs. Alured Tasker Faunce and Henry Zouch. Newcastle : Messrs. Henry Usher and Alexander Brown. Yass : Messrs. Edward Ryan and James Mid- dleton. Sydney : Messrs. William Edward Thurlow, Charles Jenkins, Henry Fisher, and Thomas Hyndes. Penrith : Messrs. John Perry and James McCarthy, junior. Par- ramatta : Messrs. George Oakes, Nathaniel Peyton, and James Byrnes. Patrick's Plains : Messrs. John Larnack, Archibald Bell, and George Bowman. Raymond Terrace and Dungog. Messrs. Archibald Windeyer and George Mitchell Harpur. Merton and Mus-wellbrook : Messrs. George Blaxland and Pierce Hegarty. Mudgee and Wellington : Messrs. George Cox, William Willard Lowe, Charles George Tempe Chauvel, Charles Bland Lowe, and John Blackstone. Braidwood and Broulee : Messrs. John Kenneth McKenzie, Hugh Wallace, and Thomas Bell. Bourke (Port Phillip) : Messrs. Joseph Hawdon, Ed- ward Eyre Williams, and Charles Hutton. Berrima : Messrs. James Jerome Higgins, Michael Doyle and George Taylor Rowe

Australian Thursday 5 June 1845 p4
 District Council of Bourke. — Notice is hereby given, that at an Election of District Councillors, held before me, this 6th day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and -forty-five, to supply the vacancies of the above Council, occasioned by the retire ment of Joseph Hawdon and Edward Eyre Williams, Esqrs., and the death- of the late James David Lyon Campbell, Esq., who would also have retirod by rotation at this time; the follow ing gentlemen were duly elected to supply such vacancies : — Joseph Hawdon, Edward Eyre Williams, and Charles Hutton, Esqrs — Ibid.
Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 16 July 1845 p2
APPOINTMENT.-His Excellency the G overnor has appointed Archibald M'Lachlan, of Mel- bourne, and Charles Hutton, of the Merri Creek, Esqrs., both of the district of Port Phillip, to be Magistrates of the territory and its dependencies, and also of the town of Melbourne.
Argus Tuesday 7 July p2
DISTRICT LICENSES - A special petty session of the Licensing Justices tor the district was held on Saturday Present - Major St. John (in the chair), A Cameron, D Cameron, E. Curr, W Firebrace, C. Hutton, R, Martin, A M'Callum, C. Playne, F A Powlett, J. C. Riddell, J. Smith, S Stephen, and W. B. Wilmot, Esquires. The applications before the court were disposed of as follows -

Publicans' General Licenses Granted -William Wright, Deep Creek , David William O'Nial, Springs, David Anderson, Burn Bank, Samuel Watson, Faithful's Creek
Publicans' General Licenses Refused - Thomas Clarke, Violet Town, (house not finished); T. A Gibbon, (house not finished)
Wine and Beer Licenses-Samuel Hawkins, Coliban Creek, postponed ; William Bertram, Campaspe, postponed ; John Carpenter, Loddon, postponed , G F Stokes, Mount Macedon, refused for mandamusing their Worships.
Transfers granted-'' The Bushman," Sugar Loaf Creek, from Peter Young to Robert Bateman , " The Retreat, " Pentridge, from Thomas Clark to George Stanway, "The Traveller's Inn," River Ovens, from Thomas Bond to John Rogers.
Transfers Refused -"Traveller's Rest," Mercer's Vale, from Andrew Beveridge to Charles Bellinger, (for non performance of promise to have made certain alterations in the premises) ; "The Albion," William's town, from Thomas Howe to William Dawson (reason not assigned).

Argus Friday 4 February 1848 p1
APPLICATIONS for Leases received at the Superintendent's Office during the month of January, 1848 :
Applicant                       Station                   Date
Charles Hutton               Strathdownie        24 January 1847

Notes from the website:
Captain Charles Hutton, overlander, who arrived in Port Phillip (Victoria) in 1838, established the East Strathdownie pastoral run in 1845. This run of 39,324 acres was on the Glenelg River 16 miles from Dartmoor. Earlier, in 1838, Hutton took up the Campaspe Plains run of 144,900 acres near Heathcote, which he held until 1840. Hutton then took up his Hutton's Station, or Flowerdale, 10,240 acres of land 12 miles south-west of Yea, which he held between 1840 and 1845 (Billis & Kenyon, pp. 87, 186, 203, 208).

A few years later, in 1848, Hutton was involved in a bitter dispute with John Wood Beilby, a Scottish pastoralist, who had been manager of his Flowerdale run between 1843 and 1844. Beilby, who arrived in Port Phillip in 1841, took up the neighbouring Western Strathdownie run of 28,000 acres on the Glenelg River, 12 miles north of Dartrnoor in 1845. He held this run until August 1848.

On 13 March 1848, when applying for a depasturising license, Beilby complained that 'Charles Hutton has hunted our cattle (2600 head) from these lands, and depriving them of sustenance, have caused us an extreme expense and loss, which if continued for a few months, will ruin us.' Perhaps as a result, in August 1848, Western Strathdownie's lease was transferred to Thomas and Somerville Learmonth. By February 1849, Hutton's East Strathdownie run was in the same hands (ibid, pp. 203, 300; East Strathdownie and Western Strathdownie Pastoral Run Papers).

Argus Thursday 22 March 1855 p2
Important Sale of Household Furniture, Carriages, Horse Harness, Cow, etc, a late residence of Captain Charles Hutton, Victoria parade.
SYMONS and PERRY~áre intructed to sell by auction, at the late residence of Captain Chas. Hutton, Victoria parade, Collingwood, on Thurs day, 22nd inst, at twelve o'clock,
The whole of that gentleman's valuable household furniture, carriages, etc, comprising
Handsome telescope dining table
Mahogany sideboard
Dining room chairs
Three dinner services
Tea do
Drawing room chairs
Loo table .
100 vols of books
Double iron bedsteads
Single do
Hair mattresses
Toilet glasses
Dressing tables
China, etc.
A handsome Cabriolet, suited for one or a pair of horses
A convenient mall phaeton, with hood and aprons
One light phaeton.
After which,
A staunch and powerful bay carriage horse, warranted good in single or double harness
A valuable milch cow.
Catalogues may be had at the rooms of the auctioners - 4041

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Royalty - King Robert II Scotland

The website, Dunbar Royal Lineage - http://www.dunbardna.org/dnadunbarlineage.htm - provides the connection from Sir James Dunbar to Marjorie Stewart, daughter of King Robert.

Robert Stewart, King Robert II of Scots
m. (1336 remarried 1349) Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan, daughter of Sir Adam Mure

Marjorie Stewart (daughter of Robert Stewart, King Robert II of Scots)
m. John Dunbar 1st Earl of Moray (died before 15 February 1391 (2))

Alexander Dunbar
m. Matilda Fraser (daughter of James Fraser of Freundraught)

James Dunbar 4 Earl of Moray (died 10 August 1429)
m. Katherine (Janet) de Seton (daughter of Sir Alexander de Seton, Lord Gordon)

Sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield (died 10 March 1497 (8))
m. (3 January 1451 (2)) Isabel Sutherland (daughter of Alexander Sutherland of Duffus)

Alexander Dunbar of Conzie, Kibuyack and Aldcash (died 31 March 1493)
m. (October 1480) Janet Sutherland (daughter of John Sutherland, 7th Earl of Sutherland)

Alexander Dunbar of Conzie, Kibuyack and Aldcash (died 27 February 1578 (9))
m. (c1554) Elizabeth Forbes (daughter of John Forbes, 6th Lord)

Alexander Dunbar of Conzie and Mochrum
m. (17 November 1564) Grizel Dunbar (daughter of Sir John Dunbar of Mochrum)

Alexander Dunbar of Pankill
m. Nicola Stewart (daughter of Sir Alexander Stewart, 6th of Garlies)

John Dunbar of Mochrum (died 1661)
m. Marjory Urquhart (daughter of Thomas Urquhart of Burdsyards)

Thomas Dunbar of Mochrum (died 1675)
m. Christian Ross (daughter of James Ross of Balnell)

Sir James Dunbar, 1st Bart of Mochrum (died 1718)
m. (11 February 1679) Isabella Nicolson (daughter of Sir Thomas Nicolson, Bart)

Eleanora Dunbar (born c1680- died 10 November 1757)
m. (1708) David Lidderdale (1675-21 April 1732) (son of Thomas Lidderdale)

James Lidderdale
m. (1739) Jean Fullerton (1712 - 25 August 1772) (daughter of John Fullerton)

Eleanora Lidderdale (1744 -24 January 1816)
m. (27 July 1771) Thomas Hutton (14 March 1744 - 4 March 1783) (son of William Hutton)

Thomas Hutton (1 August 1772 - 1856)
m. (22 July 1802) Janet Robertson (1781 - 1862) (daughter of William Robertson)

William Forbes Hutton (25 February 1816 - 28 November 1896)
m. (27 June 1849) Eleanora Mackillop (11 December 1830 - 30 July 1900) (daughter of George Mackillop)

George Hutton (5 May 1850 - 1936)
m. (8 January 1889) Annie Wilson Hardwick Weston (1864 - 1924) (daughter of William Clifton Weston)

Nancy Hazel Hutton (1 September 1899 - 5 September 1997)
m. (1 February 1922) Arthur Brougham Lord (25 December 1893 - 18 June 1982) (son of Alfred Percy Lord)

Another website with information about the Dunbars is Linley and Jim Hooper's site - http://www.linleyfh.com/oursecondsite-p/p299.htm#i13482

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Quarterly Journal of Agriculture articles

Two articles by George Mackillop were published in the Quarterly Journal of Agriculture volume 10 June 1839 – March1840 published in Edinburgh.

I have previously found excerpts of these articles but have now found digitised copiesof the complete articles in Google Books so it is now possible to read about his views of the colony. 

On Australia – George Mackillop of Hobart Town – p354 – p362 (November 1839)

On Port Phillip in Australia – George Mackillop of Hobart Town – p208 – p232 (September 1839)

Digitised copies of the above two articles in Google Books.

Another article is in volume 7.

Quarterly Journal of Agriculture volume 7 June 1836
Australian Colonies - George Mackillop of Hobart Town - p156 - p169  

Digitised in Google Books

Charles Hutton senior

According to the 1861 and 1865 England census Charles Hutton was born in Kensington, Middlesex in 1809. I have yet to establish the names of his parents. According to George Hutton in his notes Charles was his great uncle and therefore the uncle of William Forbes Hutton.

In 1838 Charles Hutton is a squatter in Victoria - would have been about 29 years of age. In a number of references he is referred to as Captain Charles Hutton so like many of the family he may have served initially in the military.

The Department of Primary Industries site - Victorian Resources Online -
provides information about Charles Hutton and the squatting run, Campaspe Plains. Hutton and his party, plus stock, set out from a location near Goulburn in late January or February 1838 and following Major Mitchel's route taken two years previously arrived at Campaspe Plains in July1838. A house was established and also a couple of out stations.  The size of the original run was estimated to be about 114,900 acres however some of the land was unsuitable for farming due to distance from rivers.  Before long problems arose with the Aborigines on whose land the property was established. In May 1839 after two shepherds were murdered and 700 sheep were taken from the property Charles Hutton led a retaliation party  resulting in the death of up to forty Aborigines. The following month Hutton with a party of mounted police held another raid on Aborigines still on the property with another six dying. An enquiry was held but no charges were laid. Campase Plains Massacre - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campaspe_Plains_massacre
Charles Hutton sold the property in the early 1840s. The Campaspe Plains Run was subdivided into a number of smaller properties in the 1840s.

(Sydney Herald Saturday 21 November 1840 p4) THE TOWN ALLOTMENTS Advertised in the Gazette, by the Notice dated 13th May, 1840, (with the exception of Lots 89 and 90) have been sold to the undermentioned Parties by Auction, at Melbourne, on 13th August, 1840, and the price affixed to each respectively has been received.
Lot - Town                - Extent A. R. P. - Purchursers      -   £   s  d
79 -   South Geelong -             0   2  0  - Charles Hutton - 140 0 0
[A R P = acres, rods, perches - a rood is a quarter of an acre so Charles Huttton purchased half an acre]
In 1842 in Melbourne he marries Margaret Smith and they have five children Mary, Amy and Alice, Thomas and Charles. For a number of years the family lives at Merri Creek - Mary (b1846) and Amy (b1848) were born there - while Thomas (b1852) was born in Collingwood. Alice (b1850) died in 1851 around one year old. Charles was born in Victoria in 1854. Shortly afterwards - second half of the 1850s - the family returns to England.

Charles Hutton was a JP in the colony. In April 1846 Melbourne was the scene of Orange riots. During the afternoon of the 14th Superintendant La Trobe, the Mayor and five JPs including Captain Charles Hutton rode through the principal streets. (Garryowen p684).

The 1861 England Census has the family living in Bath at Batheaston Villa in Bailbrook Lane. The census lists Charles' profession as' proprietor of land and houses in Victoria, Australia'. Charles and Margaret are living with the four children and Margaret's parents. Five servants are also living in the house. In the 1871 England census they are living at 13 Cavendish Place, Bath. The two boys are listed as living in the house with their parents and their grandmother who is now a widow. They have four servants.

In July 1872 Charles returns to Australia with his wife and his two sons aboard the Somersetshire.

He died in Brighton in 1879.

There is still more research required to fill in the gaps on his early life including his first stay in the colony as well as his later years.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Connection to royalty?

David Lidderdale (1675 - 1732)  married Eleanora (about 1680 - 1757), eldest daughter of Sir James Dunbar, first baronet of Mochrum by his wife Isabel, daughter and co-heiress of Sir James Nicholson, Baronet of Carnock.
Eleanora was 10th in descent from James II of Scotland and 14th from Edward III, through her grandmother, Lady Margaret Livingstone, daughter of Alexander, second Earl of Linlithgow.

Sir James was 12th in descent from Robert II of Scotland, being descended from the Dunbars, former Earls of Dunbar, March and Moray.

Sir James, whose title was a creation of 29th March 1694, was a man of immense size, with a great sense of humour. When he died he had to be taken from his bedroom through a hole made in its wall.
http://www.lidderdale.com/gen069.html - David Lidderdale at Lidderdale.com

Scottish Monarchs - James II of Scotland (1437-1460) - http://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/stewart_4.htm
Born 16 October 1430 and died 3 August 1460
King James was married to Mary of Gueldres on 3rd July, 1449 at Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh. It was to be a happy marriage which produced seven children, including the future James III.

Scottish Monarchs - Robert II (1371-1390) - http://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/stewart.htm
Born 2 March 1316 and died 19 April 1390
First wife was Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan, the daughter of Sir Adam Mure - they had ten children. They married in 1347 - all the children were born out of wedlock.
His second wife was Euphemia, daughter of Hugh, Earl of Ross - they also had children

Robert II was the grandson of Robert the Bruce who led his countrymen to battle to gain independence at the Battle of Brannockburn in 1314. He ruled Scotland until his death in 1329. His daughter, Marjorie, was the mother of the future King Robert II and his father was Walter, 6th High Steward of Scotland. - http://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/bruce.htm

English Monarchs - Edward III (1327-77) - http://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/plantagenet_7.htm
Born at Windsor Castle on 13th of November, 1312  and died 12th June, 1377
Married  his first cousin, Phillipa, on 24 January, 1328 and they had a large family

Obviously, as time permits, research is required to verify the 'royal connections'

Two sites that may be useful

Cracrofts Peerage - http://www.cracroftspeerage.co.uk/online/

The peerage.com - http://thepeerage.com

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Eleanora Lidderdale married Thomas Hutton of Lamark and was reported to be the first European lady to live in Canton, China. A search in Google for Eleanora Hutton Canton produced a link to the following website - http://www.lidderdale.com/gen081.html - Lidderdale.com with pages of information about Eleanora's family. Sometimes you can be lucky.

David Lidderdale 1675 - 1732 lived at Torrs, Kirkcudbright, Scotland. The website Flimpses of old Kirkudbright provides information about the properties owned by the Lidderdale family as well as information about the family - http://www.old-kirkcudbright.net/landowners/mckerlie.asp

An article in Rootsweb provides information about the Lidderdale and Robertson families - http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/ROBERTSON/1999-02/0919464122

Another site that might be relevant concerning the Robertsons is The Clan Donnachaidh  http://www.donnachaidh.com/PDF/cadetfamilies.pdf about the Cadet families of Struan

The Scottish Nation includes a section on the Robertson clan - http://www.electricscotland.com/history/nation/robertson.htm

In 1950 Robert Halliday Lidderdale wrote An account of the Lowland Scots - Family of Lidderdale which is inline at http://www.lidderdale.com/pdfs/An%20Account%20of%20Lowland%20Scots%20Family%20of%20Lidderdale.pdf

9 November 1701 David Lidderdale was made Freeman and Burgess
http://www.edinburgh.org.uk/hisc/wood.html provides information as to what this means.

1708 David Lidderdale became Provost (chief magistrate) of Kirkcudbright

Lidderdale family tre - http://www.lidderdale.com/trees/tree_lidderdale.pdf

Our line of the Lidderdale family tree can be traced back to the 1500s.
James of Yrsyltoun (c1520 to c1580)
James of Erslingtoun (c1545 - c1621) m. c1570 Katherine Richardson
Thomas Lidderdale (c1570 - c1629)
James Lidderdale (c1590 - 1665)
Robert Lidderdale (c1610 - c1652) m. Margaret Brown
Thomas Lidderdale (c1630 - 1687) m. Mary Gordon
David Lidderdale (1675 - 1732) m. c1708 Eleanora Dunbar (c1680 - 1757)
James Lidderdale  m. c1739 Jean Fullerton (c1712 - 1772)
Eleanora Lidderdale (c1744 - 1816) m. 1771 Thomas Hutton (1744 - 1783)

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Geogina Hutton

Article from Trove - http://trov.nla.vic.gov.au
The Argus Tuesday 13 November 1928 p1
HUTTON.—On the 12th November, at Kenmore, Dandenong, Georgina, widow of the late Colonel T. Bruce Hutton, Cumberoona, Dandenong, aged 91 years.

Charles Hutton (Sen & Jnr) - obituaries

Articles from Trove - http://trove.nla.gov.au

Death notices for Charles Hutton senior and his wife
The Argus Friday 2 May 1879
HUTTON - on the 30th inst at Park - house Brighton Charles Hutton Esq late of Bath, Somersetshire aged 70 years

Argus Monday 5 May 1879 p8
NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the colony of Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the LAST WILL and TESTAMENT of CHARLES HUTTON, formerly of the city of Melbourne, but late of Richmond, in the said colony, esquire, deceased, may be granted to Margaret Hutton, of Bentham-place, Church-street, Richmond aforesaid, the widow of the deceased and sole executrix named in and appointed by the said will.
Dated this fifth day of May, 1879 MALLESON, ENGLAND, and STEWART, twenty four Queen-street, Melbourne, proctors for the _said Margaret Hutton._
Argus Friday 6 June -
Probates were granted to the wills of Edward Forrest £875, on the motion of Mr Vale , Henry Seelenmeyer, £917, on the motion of Mr Goldsmith Samue B Vaughan, £5,032, on the motion of Mr Walker, Charles Hutton, £23,548, on the motion of Mr Webb . Wm Stephenson, £2,592, on the motion of Mr A Skinner , Rebekah Kramp, £1 030, on the motion of Mr Tullerton, Kenneth M'Lennan, £2,770, on the motion of Mr Moore , Bridget Hart, £709, on the motion of Mr Dwyer, Charles Humphreys, £2,d33, on the motion of Mr Tink

PROV have a copy of Charles' will leaving property and possessions to his wife, Margaret
Argus 24 September 1909 p1 - A peaceful end to life's journey
HUTTON - on 19th inst at Newcastle on Tyne, England, Margaret relict of the late Captain Charles Hutton of Bath Somerset, England, and Brighton, Victoria, aged 83
PROV have a copy of Margaret's will leaving property and possessions to her children, Amy, Thomas and Charles

Obituary for Charles Hutton junior 
The Argus 23 April 1936 p12
Mr Charles Hutton of Punt Hill South Yarra whose family was associated with the early history of Melbourne and who devoted much of his time in recent years to charitable organisation work died at his home on Tuesday night.
Mr Hutton, who was aged 81 years, was a son of the late Captain Charles Hutton one of the earliest Port Phillip   settlers. With his brother Mr Thomas   Hutton, he shared the original ownership of Clear Creek Station at Eldorado near Wangaratta. A keen cricketer he joined   the Melbourne Cricket Club in 1878. He was also a member of the Bohemians. Mr Hutton was an ardent fly fisher-man
He is survived by a widow. The funeral will leave his home at 4 pm this after- noon for the St Kilda Cemetery. B Matthews Pty Ltd have charge of the arrangements.