Saturday 3 August 2024

Using Photobook for Writing Family Stories

August is Australian Family History Month so perhaps it is the opportunity to reflect on some of the projects that I have been working on.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns I concentrated on researching information about some of the members on my family tree. There was plenty of time to write family history stories but I was unable to focus enough to start, except for some posts on my Family Connections blog. 

As my mother was in a nursing home, and during the lockdowns we were unable to visit her, I started compiling a weekly newsletter providing information about family activities. Members of my family contributed sending me lots of photographs and stories for Great Nan. Each year I compiled a book containing some of the photos from the newsletters which we sent to Mum for her birthday. The books ended up becoming a compilation of life during COVID-19.

I compiled the books using the Photobook Australia website. This resource is easy to use and although primarily designed for books with mainly images, text in various quantities can be added. Three books were made for my mother. After my mother died my husband suggested that I should continue to create an annual compilation of family events.

Meanwhile I began to experiment using Photobook to produce books of family history stories for the family. These books are in a format that the grandchildren should be able to easily use when they want information about the family history. As well as purchasing a printed A4 40 page book (extra pages can be added), I receive an ebook which can be shared with family members. I also make a PDF for each book as a back-up copy.

So far I have produced 21 family history books using Photobook. Some of the books are about specific family members or families. Others are on general subjects such as convicts in the family, ships that brought family to Australia and family ties with India. I also wrote a book about my father's involvement in the Second World War and another on his work as a journalist during the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne.

Since our children left school my husband and I have had a number of holidays exploring Australia, the United Kingdom and parts of Europe. I am preparing books on these holidays too. During a cold Melbourne winter it good to remember holidays in warmer parts of Australia. 
My husband plays veterans cricket so over the years we have also been on cricket tours to many parts of Australia for over 60s then over 70s national cricket championships. There have also been trips to Tasmania and South Australia for annual games against teams from those states. Added to this there have been two tours to England in Australian over 60s and over 70s teams plus one social cricket trip to Hawaii. Consequently I have also prepared books about these adventures which are an important part of our life. Twenty-one of these books have been prepared so far, with more to come.
Photobook is a great way to write your family stories. Whether it is record of a special occasion or a review of the year’s activities, the account of a special holiday or the telling of part of your family history, producing a photobook is an easy way of preserving stories to share with your family.

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